@JeremyECrawford @mikemearlsA wizard takes the Fey Teleportation feat. Any hoops to jump through, or can it add Misty Step to its spellbook?Same question for a Cleric with Ritual Caster feat. Can it easily add Purify Food and Drink to its ritual book?— Craig Brown (@CraigBCBrown) December 13, 2018 To copy…

can you misty step when carrying a corpse? As DM, I'd allow it.— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) August 13, 2020 Sure thing!— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) August 13, 2020

@JeremyECrawford Does Misty Step conserve the initial speed of the wizard before casting it? Or does the wizard appear with 0 speed?— Enrique Delgado Torr (@enrikisinger) September 19, 2015 The misty step spell expends none of the caster's speed. #DnD https://t.co/e4XjSkQOsP— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) September 25, 2015
Misty step only has verbal components and could unless prevent teleport 30 feet. Out of bonds or a grapple, unless something prohibits it like dimesional shackles.
Everything you are wearing or carrying goes with you. You are wearing the shackles. They go with you. If you’re shackled to a wall, I think you need to solve that problem, first.