2018 Fun Fact: Chapter 4 of the Guildmaster's Guide went through a lot of permutations until I finally sat down with @ChrisPerkinsDnD to talk about what DMs really need to make an adventure quickly. The "Quick Build" sidebar on page 124 is basically what we came up with. pic.twitter.com/pbFQlOxPIx
— James Wyatt (@aquelajames) February 11, 2020
2018 Fun Fact: I don't know how often anyone really needs to pick a guild at random or how much trouble it is to turn to the Random Guilds table on page 7, but I'm still super happy to have an oversized d10 with the guild symbols on the faces.
— James Wyatt (@aquelajames) February 11, 2020
(Pro Tip: You can also use it for the "Non-[Guild] Contacts" tables for each guild.)
I wish I could find the prototype I made with stickers.
— James Wyatt (@aquelajames) February 11, 2020
2018 Fun Fact: You can see the influence of the Ravnica book in Plane Shift: Dominaria. Each faction in the Plane Shift basically has a "make a character from this faction" like GGR chapter 2 (minus renown) and a "make an adventure with this faction" like chapter 4 (minus maps).
— James Wyatt (@aquelajames) February 11, 2020
2018 Fun Fact: If you read the Goals entry for each guild in the Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica carefully, you will clearly see discussion of the guild's color identity—just without using those words.
— James Wyatt (@aquelajames) February 11, 2020