Does Elemental Affinity (Draconic Bloodline) adds damage to one damage roll of the spell Investiture of Flame?Yes.— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) March 16, 2018
@JeremyECrawford @mikemearlswould there be synergy between the Flame Blade spell and either of Green-Flame Blade or Elemental Weapon? any ideas?— Chris (@Chrisjcxa) October 15, 2016 @Chrisjcxa @JeremyECrawford don't believe so - the spell is not a weapon #wotcstaff— (((Mike Mearls))) (@mikemearls) October 15, 2016
@JeremyECrawford How/when would Elemenal Affinity bonus apply in these 3 cases: 1. Melfs Min Meteors 2.Scorching Ray 3.Twinned FireBolt? thx— Phoenix Rion (@Phoenix_Rion) March 2, 2016 Elemental Affinity benefits one damage roll of a spell. (1. One meteor. 2. One ray. 3. One fire bolt.) #DnD— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford)…