@AlphastreamWill you use the rule that a cleric casting Cure has to drop either her shield or weapon? http://t.co/f9SP9cNlor I hope groups use the rule only if they like the texture it gives spellcasting. If it gets in the way of the action, change it.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) March 23, 2015
@pedrWould you say it was designed for gameplay/balance reasons or realism ones? Or a mix of both? Components mostly reinforce the in-world feel of classic D&D spellcasting: exotic, esoteric, and sometimes inconvenient. @Alphastream
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) March 23, 2015
@MunchkinenThis is a rule I like more as a player than a GM. As a player it makes my spell choices very meaningful. It's, indeed, mostly for players. Many use V, S, M as a tool for describing the weird in and outs of spells. @pedr @Alphastream
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) March 23, 2015