Hello Mike, I love 5e. Volo’s Guide & Xanathar’s Guide were great books that have expanded the base game. Not pointing out anything particular, but is power creep in new races & class archtypes something the D&D design team keep track of? By design will 5e content empower the player’s mechanics more and more as time goes by? Or is there a base balance that’s attempted? Or does it matter?
Thank you!
mikemearls197 points19 days ago
Power creep is definitely a concern. We don’t want people to feel they need to buy the newest thing to make characters (really hurts bringing in new players).
That said, we try to balance against where things should be rather than where they ended up. Player perception is also very important. Since D&D is coop, the perception of imbalance takes priority over mathematically proven imbalance.Comment
from discussion AMA: Mike Mearls, D&D Creative Director.