The screams echoed off the hills where the royal family stood. The queen shuddered and turned away. “All those gallant knights…”
“No longer to warm your bed?” the king said dryly. “I’m sure you’ll seduce new ones.”#epic fantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) June 18, 2018
“But what a WASTE,” the crown prince sighed, as his mother glared daggers at the king.
The king shrugged. “When the dragons hatch, they need to eat SOMETHING. And how long do you think the barons would let us go on living, without the threat of the dragons?”#epic fantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) June 18, 2018
They nodded, and watched as dragons began to emerge, all over the royal castle, to flap their wings and stretch, ere beginning their maiden flights away to the corners of the realm.
“Spare some regard for me,” the king added, nodding at the distant wyrms.#epic fantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) June 18, 2018
“After all, I’M the one who’ll have to sleep with all of them.”
It was the turn of the princess to shudder. “The barons don’t know what they’re missing.”
“Indeed,” the king agreed, absently fingering his many long and horrible scars. “Lusty things, dragons.”#epic fantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) June 18, 2018