Would it be possible to have something LIKE a familiar? Say a homonculus and a familiar?
— Melamber (@Melamber69) August 9, 2018
In D&D, a limitation on X has no bearing on Y, unless a rule says otherwise.
For example, if a rule says you can have only one familiar (X), that rule is irrelevant to the number of other NPC companions (Y) you might have. #DnD https://t.co/mZvaHqUEZe
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) August 9, 2018
A more general question. Why are familiars in 5e far less mechanically important for a non-warlock caster compared to previous editions? Design intent? Player feedback? oversight? #DnD By "mechanically important," do you mean a class feature dedicated to familiars? If so, only one edition of the game had such a feature: 3rd edition. We went with the game's more-established tradition for 5th edition.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) August 9, 2018