@TheEdVerse Are there any sayings in the Realms that is analogous to the phase, "black and white" (involving clearly defined opposing principles or issues) in our world?
— sno4wy (@sno4wy) January 13, 2019
2/2) Oh, yes. “Clear before the gods” is the phrase, which is a corruption of a quote from Augathra the Mad: “Clear before all gods.” The dwarves have an equivalent, now (rendered into Common) in common use among all trading races: “Edge and flat” [meaning any fool…#Realmslore …can FEEL the difference between the edge and flat of a blade [of an axe or a sword]. The elven equivalent is "sun and moon" [meaning anyone with eyesight can tell the difference between sunlight and moonlight].#Realmslore
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 13, 2019