“My captives are not toys. Unless I want them to be. Right now, no. You owe me, and I mean to collect.”
“Er…I’ve nothing with me at the moment.”
“I can see that. Perhaps your servant…oh.”
“OH. Where’d he go?”#epic fantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 16, 2019
“The younger one you were giving orders to? Opened that wall panel and slipped through it. And the other bare Lady with him.”
“Chantratha? By the gods, she must be insatiable!”#epic fantasy3)
“Oh, neither of them looked amorous.”
“Just stark naked and slipping off somewhere private together.”
“Er. Point.”
“Score early, score often.”
“You seeking to father a dynasty, or something?”#epic fantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 16, 2019