Is making a skill check an Action? Some ability checks are actions, some aren’t. Many are, but it’s not a blanket rule.
— Dan Dillon
(@Dan_Dillon_1) July 25, 2019
I think a lot of people get the order of operations backwards, and it causes confusion. 5e is predicated on taking actions and the DM deciding if an ability check is necessary. Sometimes a character takes an action that requires a check. Sometimes a character does something as a part of their movement, which requires no action, and the DM decides (or the rules suggest) that it requires the character to make an ability check.
— James
Haeck (@jamesjhaeck) July 25, 2019
This is the deal.
— Dan Dillon
(@Dan_Dillon_1) July 25, 2019
I’d disagree as say for instance one of the benefits of a thief is they can use
Fast Hands to change a skill check (in this case sleight of hand) to a bonus action. Unless I am mistaken there is nothing anywhere that says specific checks are bonus actions. I can think several ability checks off the top of my head that are not actions.– Strength (Athletics) to climb a difficult or slippery surface or swim in rough water
– Dexterity (Acrobatics) to avoid being grappled
– Charisma (Deception) to explain just what you’re doing here— Dan Dillon
(@Dan_Dillon_1) July 25, 2019
Counter point for each example-
Strength- you allow an action beyond the athletics check in combat?
Dexterity- as it isn’t happening on their turn it is forced so not an action they are initiating
Charisma- In what you are describing, you’d allow that in combat w/o an action? Yes.
Still an ability check that isn’t an action.
— Dan Dillon
(@Dan_Dillon_1) July 25, 2019
it’s funny because that second one feels like hella Saving Throw territory, though i know it isn’t. That’s fair.
A Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to dart between close obstacles as you run down an alley. Part of movement. Failure might end up costing you an action, depending on your goals.
— Dan Dillon
(@Dan_Dillon_1) July 25, 2019
You can speak during combat (even when it’s not your turn).
1) I just find it weird someone using a strenuous physical activity not taking an action
2) I get that but given it isn’t their turn they don’t have an action anyway
3) weird that coming up with an elaborate story takes less time than an action
sorry just my thoughts “Oh no, officer. This is my office, I just locked my keys inside.”
Easily within the bounds of speaking for free, no action required even if it’s a lie.
— Dan Dillon
(@Dan_Dillon_1) July 25, 2019
Free action to come up with whatever you want to say and say it.
then what? call hold action to see how it responds? What happens if that doesn't happen until the next round due to initiative order?
— DMJason #ALLAREWELCOME (@JasonTDnDDm) July 25, 2019
It depends. If it makes for better tension, and there's other interesting things happening for which initiative matters, I might let the question hang.
More likely I'd have them make a Wisdom (Insight) check and there would be some indication if they bought the story or not.
— Dan Dillon
(@Dan_Dillon_1) July 25, 2019