“You can’t make people smarter by sneering at them, Wolf.”
[And with these words, Lady Chantratha bends in a single lithe movement and undoes three lacings down the outside of her boot, flicking what emerges with the backs of2)
…her long, slender fingers to send them bouncing and rolling in a small gleaming flood down the passage, right at the racing soldiers]
“Stand STILL, Palonder, except to dodge blades and retreat!”
“And kindly…#epicfantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) October 22, 2019
…REFRAIN from forewarning the foe, ere they—”
[onrushing soldiers start to slip, lurch, shout in alarm, and fall heavily]
“—encounter my little toys. And to a boy, Palonder, they may be marbles, but to a lady, they are 4)
…glass beads.”
[Chantratha does something to both boots, and the heels come off in her hands, revealed as the hilts of tiny push-daggers]
“Forgive me, Lady, but those seem rather small—”#epicfantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) October 22, 2019
“So they are. But one nick, and their venom sends a man off to slumber both deeply and speedily. Like a courtier’s oration.”#epicfantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) October 22, 2019