But can I yell "Attack!!" and have all my minions swarm a single target? , as a bonus action. https://t.co/WjkAf96uUj
— Shea C Reinke (@SheaReinke) December 4, 2019
In D&D, yelling, crying, whispering sweet nothings, and having a chat require no action at all. #DnD https://t.co/QjMOcdgMDr
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) December 4, 2019
Bro, that's not what I meant.. "Can I command multiple minions with one bonus action, if it is a same command to all the minions?"
— Shea C Reinke (@SheaReinke) December 4, 2019
An action/bonus action/reaction does only what it says it does. For example, if you have a bonus action that says, "You can command these zombies as a bonus action." That bonus action commands only those zombies. #DnD https://t.co/DfhsKclaRD
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) December 4, 2019
I always cry as a bonus action
— Phill Kersey Gaston (@PhillKersey) December 5, 2019
No need to waste your bonus action in D&D on tears. You can cry while you walk, attack, cast spells, or do just about anything else.
I cry while eating popcorn and watching a movie—that’s three things at once! #DnD https://t.co/xeecUD0Q9F
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) December 5, 2019
Even though crying doesn't require an action in D&D, I have had cries that would have taken my whole action. For example, when I read the end of the SONG OF ACHILLES, I was using my whole turn to process the feels. #DnD
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) December 5, 2019