They came in glee to slay the King, but were greeted by a croaking groan,
“Will you not your rightful monarch embrace?”
And beheld on that throne a thing scabrous and unknown
That lacked both name and face— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 20, 2019
He was the sort of emperor who reveled in the glisteningly-lubricated coils of ever-deeper depravity
But when we tossed him off the roof, found out he lacked time to repeal the inconvenient law of gravity— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 21, 2019
O she was a famous adventuress, no dragon nor wyvern dared to try to dine upon her
But when she swam in the shark pool, we saw blood, but the rest of her bits soon quite gone were— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 22, 2019
A rogue (not to say thief) is a sly swiftwit who for every deadly occasion
Is backstabbingly, stealthily, cunningly ready with just the right suitable evasion— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 24, 2019