In the next few weeks, my players will be heading to Anchoril in Lantan. I have been able to find very little about the Lantanna online (because those followers of Gond are so insular!) Can you offer any information about what might be found on Lantan? Thank you!
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 1, 2020
Lantan was left in physical chaos by the Spellplague, but Lantanese humans and gnomes both survived the devastation, a few in lifeboats of their own prior devising (enclosed rafts with foodstores, gardens, drinking water, and 2)
…solar-powered ovens, heat-sinks, and water-purifiers) and more because they were away from the islands on matters of trade and resource procurement.
When what was left of Lantan reappeared in Toril in 1487 DR, as the Second…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 1, 2020
…Sundering drew to a close, these survivors were ready to repopulate and rebuild. And they devoted themselves with vigor and determination to restoring the islands to the way they’d been before the floods—only better (with 4)
…breakwaters and floodwalls, better harbors, and optimized soils, and the submerged island rebuilt and raised above the waves.)
Orlil will take time to recover wholly, though it’s been cleansed of sea-salt much faster than the…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 1, 2020
…natural cycle of precipitation and storms would function, but lush jungles have already returned to the rest of Lantan, Suj is one island once more, and Lantan is now a gnome-dominated (with a scattering of humans), 6)
…Gond-worshipping land of small, simple homes that make use of “green” (growing roofs, solar power, and many gadgets; Lantanese kitchens are as filled with gadgets like our modern real-world kitchens) tech, and larger, busy…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 1, 2020
…workshops and warehouses (for raw materials in, many of them now coming by ship from Laerakond, and finished products out; the Lantanese are selling everything from doglock pistols to improved lanterns and handcarts to 8)
…mainland Faerûn, not to mention clever shipping and storage coffers large and small, with the accent being on useful, well-made, lasting goods that will brighten Lantan’s reputation for reliability and worth-the-coin).#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 1, 2020
Lantanese don’t speak in any detail of conditions on Lantan, or its rebuilding, to outsiders, saying simply that they have had “much rebuilding to do after great storms and floods, and the work continues.” If pressed, they 10)
…will say such things as “We live very much as before” and “Gond provides enlightenment and we provide the labor” and “The jungles flourish, as they have for thousands of years.”
Aside from small footprint, well-built homes…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 1, 2020
…and gadgets therein, a major focus of Lantanese innovation has been improved pumps and piping, for moving liquids in bulk from place to place. The former ‘race’ to improve flying machines to be ever larger, more stable, more… 12)
…easily navigable, and with backup systems to keep them operable aloft when damaged is more or less on hold for now, as the Lantanese rebuild Lantan.
The priests of Gond govern Lantan, individual Lantanese decide what they…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 1, 2020
…will personally work on (criminals and those in debt doing the undesirable ‘drudge’ jobs), and barter has largely replaced coin for internal commerce in Lantan. Lantanese have the printing press, they have automated stamping…#Realmslore 14)
…mills and molding assembly lines, and they’re perfecting braising and welding, and devising new alloys.
Lantanese don’t have to contend with monsters on Lantan; there are none (and they don’t import live beasts for food or…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 1, 2020
…or sport or menageries; there are no horses or oxen, there’s people-power, augmented by pulleys and the like). They are suspicious of visitors “stealing their secrets,” and obvious outlanders will be prevented from closely 16)
…inspecting fabricating or alloy-making or experiments and prototypes, and steered instead to artisans creating paintings, sculptures, and windows (the Lantanese don’t mind at all if everyone sees how they make glass windows…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 1, 2020
…with crank-open casements, and screens), or to warehouses where goods about to be shipped to mainland Faerûn are being packaged for shipment, so samples of those goods can be inspected (perhaps the outlanders would like to 19)
…fewer cleared and cobbled (“paved”) areas, though the realm has concrete, reinforced and otherwise, and even some crude plastics. (Gnome families of Lantan keep the recipes for such things as closely-guarded secrets, even…#Realmslore 18)
…order something?).
The “old” settlements of Lantan, with the same names, have been refounded, but better roads and bridges constructed; the Lantanna/Lantanese are trying to live more lightly on the land, so there are far..#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 1, 2020
…from other Lantanese, though the priests will pay compensation for revealing crucial weaknesses, properties, or dangers of specific materials to wider Lantan—and order such revelations.)
Some of the foremost gnome families of…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 1, 2020
…Lantan—and these families have been encouraged to settle all over Lantan, not concentrate in specific settlements, so as to minimize place-based rivalries in Lantanese society—include the Blaestones, the Caeleths, the 22)
…Dwontors, the Eleglym, the Fornyl, the Handars, the Klavnors, the Muryndars, the Ninestones, the Paunthorls, the Redjynd, the Sabeirynds, the Torroasks, and the Velvaunters.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 1, 2020