I absolutely love the Eberron setting, but I am hoping you can clarify something for me. Does your new book “Exploring Eberron” clarify any details regarding “The Plane of Shadow”? I’m hoping to understand some differences between that and Mabar. The Plane of Shadow is primarily a 3.5 cosmology concept. It's a transitive plane, more like the ethereal and astral plane. Just like the Astral and Ethereal, it's not one of the 13 planes and doesn't have active powers, manifest zones, or the like.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) September 24, 2020
Exploring Eberron doesn't mention the Plane of Shadow; it was never an important part of Eberron and it was dropped from 5E's interpretation of general cosmology, so I didn't see a reason to include it. SHADOWS come from Mabar, and that's generally what I'd use.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) September 24, 2020
Btw,rumor has it it’s possible to migrate from Eberron to other worlds(like Forgotten Realms,for ex) through these planes. Is it any true? It’s up to the DM. If you’re playing with the multiverse, then yes, transitive planes could allow traffic (something called out back in 3.5). But a DM can also decide not to use other worlds in campaign.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) September 25, 2020