One of my favorite parts of game design is that you get to decide how information is presented. Don’t like the fact that 5e only uses three levels of headers? Change it. Don’t like all products following the same layout formula? Break that mould. Hate boxed text? Change it up! Never do anything just because “That’s how it’s done.” Do what makes sense and change what doesn’t work for you or your project.
— James Introcaso (@JamesIntrocaso) November 28, 2021
As long as you’re consistent with your OWN style, all is well! Agreed! Consistency is key, which is why style guides are tops!
— James Introcaso (@JamesIntrocaso) November 28, 2021
This is true – as long as whatever you change it to is consistent. Otherwise your graphic designer's head will explode.😆
— Rich Lescouflair (@skydawn1) November 30, 2021