@JeremyECrawford Is it your intent that when using Mantle of Majesty (Glamour Bard 6th level feature), you are technically casting a bonus action spell (command), and so may not use your action to cast spells other than cantrips?— Transcendental (@IdoZemach97) October 18, 2018 If you cast a spell as a…
@JeremyECrawford what's the casting time of a prayer of healing spell cast from a scroll. 10 min or 1 action?— Aaron Sarver (@Sealab2015) October 24, 2016 The DMG errata clarifies that casting a spell from a spell scroll requires the spell's normal casting time: https://t.co/7cBE3UUIDe #DnD https://t.co/6V6JFb9XkC— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford)…
Can Borngray move 15ft, misty step (bonus), multiattack (action), move 15ft away and use shield spell (reaction) if targeted? @sn0wravenOr does using bonus action to cast misty only leave him the option of a cantrip with a cast time of 1? Casting a bonus action spell does preclude casting a…