@YYZhed @ChrisPerkinsDnDA player at my AL table min/maxes and ruins all combat balance. I secretly halve his damage. Any better ideas? talk to the player about the issue. One thing – add a tough monster for that player in some fights
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) February 7, 2016
@YYZhedProblem is, it’s Adventures League. Don’t know him that well, but he crushes combat before anyone else can move. AL or not, one person's fun doesn't override group. You can change AL mods to suit group.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) February 7, 2016
@mikemearls For sure. Will probably try scaling up combat. I just don't want to kill everyone else in the process. It's a hard line to walk.
— Connor (@YYZhed) February 7, 2016
@YYZhed but definitely talk first, no judgment. Just "you're way ahead in power – how can I keep you challenged and everyone else happy?"
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) February 7, 2016