@TheEdVerse I am running Tomb of Annihilation. The PCs rescued some Halruaans from their crashed airship. Not all the crew made it, though, and my wife (who keeps the party journal) wants to know about Halruaan burial practices. What can you tell me about that?
— Jonathan Longstaff (@pukunui81) October 30, 2021
…gems they keep and prize in family crypts or trophy rooms, or even wear as pendants or false eyes if they happen to have lost an eye.
Slightly less wealthy: cremate, and keep the ashes in small reliquaries/coffers (NOT urns)… #Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) October 31, 2021
…in family crypts, though a widow or widower may keep the reliquary of a beloved spouse in their bedchamber, to talk to. (For comfort, not expecting any answers.)
Less wealthy still cremate, and scatter the ashes in a… 4)
…favourite place of the deceased, or if survivors don’t know a favoured place or that’s impractical, in a beautiful garden or wild place (on land, never at sea).#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) October 31, 2021
Still less wealthy cremate and leave disposal of the ashes to someone else, or just bury the ashes themselves. 6)
The poorest and lowest-status Halruaans simply bury their dead, either deeply or with heavy rocks piled atop the burial site, to discourage carrion-eaters, tomb-robbers, erosion, and other forces that may disturb the burial.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) October 31, 2021
The grave will never be in swampy ground or near the banks of a river or stream, where it may later be washed away. 8)
Regardless of how the body is treated, the funeral is short and simple: as the body burns or is buried, every kin of the deceased, or colleague/fellow crew wishes the dead person, by name, “fair fortune beyond” (hoping aloud…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) October 31, 2021
…that they’ll be “received” by the god they most revered, if known and/or if any) and assures them they won’t be forgotten.
And then a flower (or failing that, a plant with petals, or failing that one with windblown spores, or… 10)
…failing that a cast magical illusion of such a plant) is cast to the wind in memory of the departed.
If the person was liked, mourners may later drink to their name.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) October 31, 2021