I would like to know if after the shebali uprising in 1385, some crinti strongholds remained, because some sources say that "many crinti cities were destroyed", many, but not all. Sorry for my broken English i'm French. Thank you again
— Neyfane Azihari (@NAzihari) September 18, 2020
Hi! Well met!
Many crinti are still around, and quite a few of the smaller, more remote strongholds survived. So, yes, one could encounter them across the post-Spellplague Realms.#Realmslore https://t.co/Ycf9D0nbzy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) September 20, 2020
Hi ! It’s me who ask this question ! But i have a another one, but i fear to disturb him again… I would like to know the name of these strongholds, for setting a campaign here. Could you ask him please ?