In a trice, the guardroom is empty of living invaders. Four slightly out of breath Neverunians regard each other across the tangled sea of bodies.
Wolf looks around the room, then at his companions. “Right, are we all 2)
…presentable enough not to arouse suspicions at first glance? Some wizards DO have brains, and a handful even remember how to use theirs. Low odds, I know, but we don’t seem to be on the gods’ list when they… #epicfantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 14, 2020
…hand out good luck.”
Everyone passes inspection, so Wolf nods and waves Palonder to the door that leads out into the garden 4)
Chantratha steps into Palonder’s path. “Ah, Wolf, weren’t there some state secrets you wanted to recover before we left the Keep?”
“There were, and are, but my plans have changed. The real world tends to do that to my plans, …#epicfantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 14, 2020
…all too often.”
“So it seems we need a better real world.”#epicfantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 14, 2020