“And the floating talking skull? Got it to scare intruders away?”
The lich shook its withered ruin of a head. “Nay. Got it to have someone to argue with. And fetch my keys.”
“But why a human head?”
“Haven’t heard the saying? You’ve got to get a head in this world.”#epic fantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) June 13, 2018
By night I saw the lich-queen’s face
Her eyes like ghostly candles shone
She lurches with decaying grace
And where she comes, all hope gets gone— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) June 13, 2018
Dragons and worse, I send to dust
In my swords and spells alone I trust
So unless thou dare
To cross me, beware— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) June 13, 2018