@TheEdVerse Hey boss, big fan by the way! Me and some buddies are making our own dnd campaign, any good tips we can get from the proprietor of the best campaign setting of all time?
— Dominick Zimmerman (@DominickZimmer4) February 25, 2021
Hoo boy. Here we go…
I’d say start with a fun evening of snacks and talk with each other: what do you think you’d like by way of play? Dungeon crawling? Lots of fighting? Lots of intrigue? Mysteries to solve? Lighthearted? What do you hate/want to be “don’t go there”… 2)
What character classes do you want to play? One DM, or share so no one gets tired? Do we do “holidays” from a campaign to try new adventures or even other games, occasionally?
Your answers are more exploring than “we MUST follow what we decided,” because your…— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 25, 2021
…opinions may change once you’re into it. (So agree that you may want to have another of these discussions later on.) You want your get-togethers to stay fun, and become precious shared time.
Start out at first level. Those early “anything can kill us…that squirrel over… 4)
…there, for instance” sessions are fun and give you a chance to become a team and settle into a style.
Don’t cheat yourself or others with care-less inattentiveness or no-showing or stepping out of character unfairly to others at the table; playing together is building…— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 25, 2021
…memories, and you want those memories to shine.
Whoever is DMing should have a plan, with some supporting NPCs worked up and sideline adventures up sleeve, because players always zig when it was intended they zag. So be HAPPY to abandon that plan and go with the… 6)
…roleplaying; the DM isn’t telling the story, you’re all telling it togther.
Give every player a chance for their character to shine. Give them chances to make moral choices, that make a real life better–and a PC life better.
Hope that's a start. Have a GREAT game.— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 25, 2021
So they are basicly a safety net for magic?
— Adriano (@bigobionic) February 24, 2021
Yes, in the sense that they anchor the Weave, which is Mystra, and is arcane magic. It’s what allowed Mystra to come back from death, without the entire world being destroyed in the process.
In other words, despite a lot of death, destruction, and chaos, there… 2)
…were wizards in the 1300s DR…and there are still wizards in the 1400s DR.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 25, 2021