Ted Imperius @Xjandinast@TheEdVerse
any news on Daurgothoth?— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) May 26, 2020
Certainly, but known only to the Chosen, Mystra and Azuth, me, and now you, not the wider Realms! The Creeping Doom’s tireless explorations of all manner of magic enabled him to easily survive the Spellplague intact by… 2)
…using magic NOT of the Weave to take himself into an extra-dimensional pocket of his creation and riding out the chaos (as a dracolich, he doesn’t need to eat or breathe, and patience he already had, in spades). When things…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) May 26, 2020
…had settled down, he returned to Dolblunde and set about rebuilding his plaything: the Cult of the Dragon.
He still intends to use the Cult to destroy the Zhentarim, the Red Wizards, the Arcane Brotherhood, and every other…
#Realmslore 4)
…group along his way to becoming the most powerful creature on Toril, and to found his race of living dracoliches (who, of course, will all serve him).
However, right now he’s busy manipulating merchants and adventurers into…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) May 26, 2020
@TheEdVerse What is a “living dracolich” in concept? What would that entail if he is able to complete that? That they have all the benefits of undeath but aren’t undead anylonger?
And do Dracoliches need to eat souls like liches? It doesn’t *state* they have to, unlike lichesDaurgothoth envisages dragons who still live, but have the undead abilities of dracoliches (and no need to eat), but are bound to him (they MUST obey him). Azuth has told the Chosen this is impossible; attempts to craft them will fail.
No dracolich needs to eat souls.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) October 29, 2022