Ed! Y’old stalwart! I’m starting a seafaring adventure Sunday (5e rules but set in 1370 DR), the first leg of which is going to be between Waterdeep and BG. Any encounter suggestions? I have a small pirate fleet fleshed out, but what else would you recommend? Night encounter: the Ghost Ship, which "rams" (passes through) any vessel; its undead will board and storm…
An Eye of the Deep working with scrags.
A hunting penanggalan if you pass near Orlumbor…
I'd recommend whatever makes for the best adventure for your group.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 24, 2021
Sweet, thanks! I plan on having a storm run the ship aground on Pendurl, requiring a pitstop in Orlumbor for repairs, so I’ll keep the penanggalan in mind. Oh man, they’re grisly! Yes! And best deployed as stealth-attacking a lone PC, not confronting the party en masse.
Or you could have it wipe out captain, steersman, first mate, and then start on the PCs, so they need to stay in Orlumbor and re-crew (more chances to throw adventures at them).#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 24, 2021