@TheEdVerse Are middle names a thing in FR? Or stuff like more elaborate noble names.
— mAc Chaos 🔜 PAX U (@mAcChaos) October 31, 2019
In the Realms, names are usually sorted alphabetically by first (given) name, because after wars and cataclysms like the Spellplague and Sunderings there were so many orphans. However, inheritance is important, so family names never go away, and in the cases of… 2)
…nobility and royalty and courtiers and important figures (local heroes), these surnames are important and well-used. Middle names are used, as in our modern real world, as homage to past family members (i.e. you might carry the given names of grandfathers or…#Realsmlore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) October 31, 2019
…great-grandmothers as your middle names, particularly when these are rare or quirkily-spelled “family names”), and this is REALLY widespread/prevalent among nobility and wealthy, rising wannabe-noble social-climbing families. For example, one might encounter,… 4)
…in Suzail, Beliard Lustrigus Haummard Undreth Cormaeril (a young Cormaeril brother), and all three "middle names" are rare, nigh-unique-to-the-Cormaerils names (I say nigh because servants often adopt the name of someone they admire).
Hope this is of help!#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) October 31, 2019