@mikemearls @ChrisPerkinsDnD what happens to a warlock who disobeys or opposes their patron? — Russell Tassicker (@rtassicker) January 30, 2016 A fun campaign! The patron can't take away abilities, but will likely send agents or omens to harass/punish. https://t.co/w0k7jQR72M — Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) January 30, 2016 can’t? Why not? Made…

is there a case in which Clerics have had their patron deity die, but still receive Cleric abilities without patronage of another deity or using the ritual that allows one to receive powers from dead deities? More or less a truly godless Cleric with no obvious source? Realms deities gain…

this might be a bit on the nose for a question if you take a passing glance at my handle, but which Faeruian God is best associated with Truth? Personally I figured Oghma, or perhaps Deneir; but Tyr has/had Justice as their portfolio (now Torm)? It depends on who you…