@TheEdVerse Those little humanoid squirrels, the kercpa. They were Core D&D back in the days of 2E. Are there kercpa in the Realms? If so, where can they be found, and are there any notable members of the race?
— Greysil (@Greysil_Tassyr) January 28, 2019
1/4) Their numbers have fallen sharply in the Realms due to concerted attacks by fey races and goblins, but they can still be found in large numbers (no one knows exactly how many due to their secretive and active nature, and the cover provided by their forest…#Realmslore 2/4) …homes) in the eastern High forest, the Lluirwood, and the Forest of Amtar, and in smaller numbers in Shilmista, the eastern Chondalwood, and The Great Wild Wood. They've also been seen in Laerakond. Notable individuals: a far-traveled adventurer, …#Realmslore
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 28, 2019
3/4) …Rilstajar “the Rapier;” a legendary prankster heroine who’s probably long dead and whose exploits are embellished with many new tall tales named Lyracheelie “the Leaf;” and a tireless explorer and trader, Suldarn of the Many Acorns (a “joke title” given in..#Realmslore 4/4) …derision he liked, embraced, and now bears proudly). The kercpa increasingly keep to themselves, fearful of diseases brought by humans and of being wiped out by their many foes, but are otherwise of merry nature, hedonists who live in the present, knowing life is fleeting
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 28, 2019
This is awesome lore and I thank you for sharing it! A pleasure. There are SO many little tangents of lore that just didn't fit in Realms products back before the days of pixels, when everything had to be printed and nothing else. Happy to get them out there to help at gaming tables. ;}
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 28, 2019