Mass Combat rules!

Master Mike realease the long awaited pdf to resolve large scale combat.
You can find the pdf here:


These rules cover different aspect of war like

  • Units, Solos and Commander
  • Terrains and Morale
  • Movement, Initiative and Actions
  • Creating Objectives for your story

All these rules are in draft form and might be unstable. “They’re written in pencil, not ink.”

Are you ready to command your armies to Victory?

Int checks would be catch all for monster lore recollection? Why left put of rules explicitly?

Poison bug

Sage Advice: You can check Poison basic rule in Player’s Handbook p.153 that only describes: “…the poison retains potency for 1 minute before drying.” In Dungeon Master’s Guide p.257 some poisons could be very lethal if last for 1 minute (10 rounds).

My advice is that applied poison last until the weapon strikes or 1 minute is passed.

Do invocations like “Mask of Many Faces” or “Myriad Forms” require vocal and somatic components?