Building a dungeon from scratch, any suggestions on design and fun puzzle encounters for a 3rd level party? #dnd #1stTimeDM #rpg I love obvious puzzles, as it lets party decide if they want to solve it or not. Last campaign, had a treasure chest sitting on a small pedestal in middle of huge pool of acid. PCs didn’t *need* to get it, but wanted to.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) November 26, 2017
I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like to offer my YouTube channel a a possible answer to this question. I love including puzzles in my D&D games. I have recorded over 3 Dozen D&D Puzzle ideas and posted them on YouTube. Each video gives a full demonstration of the puzzle and links to visual props if needed for the puzzle.
Hope this helps!
Thank you Noble Wally
Did you have some Twitter or FB account so I can repost your post about Puzzles? would be helpful for all our D&D comunity!
You bet, my friend! But, I think you may have already found me. I’m @wallyd2 on Twitter. Thank you for the retweets! 🙂