@JeremyECrawford Greetings from the UK!I had an odd thought. What happens if your knocked prone while underwater?— DungeonMasterLee (@Quothcraft) February 27, 2018 If you're knocked prone underwater, you're subjected to the effects of the prone condition as normal. One way to visualize it is that you're floundering. #DnD https://t.co/qKr3bLxGnw— Jeremy…

@JeremyECrawford if a creature is swimming, hovering or is otherwise unable to fall (e.g. chained to a wall), does knocking them prone actually inflict the prone condition?— Armando Doval (@armando_doval) February 2, 2018 If it's physically impossible for you to be prone, you're not subject to the prone condition. #DnD…

@JeremyECrawford Mike chimed in ago, but asking 1 more time, does knocking a creature climbing with clb spd, cause it to Fall or land Prone?— Jason Portt (@GrantsHero) February 28, 2017 No general rule causes a climbing creature to fall if knocked prone. As DM, I'd look at the environment…