@mikemearls can a Half-Orc throw a gnome or halfling as their attack action?
— A Billman (@soundonsets) June 18, 2018
Yes. In my DMing career, I've even made it cost no action simply because I have never had a group not regret that decision. https://t.co/qPaIjJsGQV
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) June 18, 2018
I’ve made that call and it was an epic moment. (Melee-based) fighter was stuck in the back of a bottleneck in a fight and couldn’t reach the front. I let him pick up and toss the Kobold Rogue who held his dagger out for 1d4 piercing. RAW? Who cares. Fun moment? Yes! You are doing it right!
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) June 18, 2018
So, my half-orc friend throws my gnome fighter at an enemy. Would my gnome then have to make a successful acrobatics check before striking true with his beautiful long sword? And if somehow successful, what COULD the benefits be of being thrown be? I'd let the gnome attack, and have the half-orc make a Strength (Athletics) check DC 15. Success, gnome has advantage on attack, fail disadvantage. Either case, gnome falls prone and takes 1d6 bludgeoning.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) June 18, 2018