This may be a silly question but… can airships fly in the Mournland?Who knows? Given that the Mournland has wildly unpredictable magically effects & creates things like living spells, who's going to risk it?
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) July 14, 2017
And even if magical weirdness doesn't destroy your ship's enchantments, do you want to risk unknown flying threats?
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) July 14, 2017
So, "Maybe" – but you'd never know when something could suddenly go terrible wrong.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) July 14, 2017
But in terms of CROSSING the Mournland without entering it… stay above the mist and you're probably ok… Probably.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) July 14, 2017