Can detect magic detect Dunamancy? If so would chronurgy or graviturgy be detected?
As in the Dunamancy spells? Of course, they’re still magic. And it would detect whatever school the spell is associated with. Necromancy, Abjuration, etc.So your read is , the Dunamancy trait is not specifically detected, although it’s readable as magic and the school is relevant?
Detect Magic picks up magic and schools, that’s it. It doesn’t detect other distinctions like Arcane, Divine and Dunamancy. This. ^
"Dunamancy" isn't a game rule trait or object any more than "arcane," "divine," "nature/primal," or "psionic" are. Magic is magic.
— Dan Dillon 👥 (@Dan_Dillon_1) March 20, 2020
Appreciate it. I was confused as MM ruled diff in an ep of CR. My answers are speaking from a "baseline rules of D&D" standpoint. Individual DM adjudication, and implementation in their own campaigns can, and very often will diverge from that.
Matt's taking dunamancy in a more specifically strange and special direction in CR.
— Dan Dillon 👥 (@Dan_Dillon_1) March 20, 2020
And @Dan_Dillon_1 I appriciate your RAW response . Just trynna wrap my head around The uniqueness of Dunamancy. I get you! If you want it to be a special, fundamentally different kind of magic, absolutely go for it!
I do all kinds of weird crap with magic in my home game that I wouldn't try to make a general thing for D&D at large, so I feel you.
— Dan Dillon 👥 (@Dan_Dillon_1) March 20, 2020