@JeremyECrawford Can you take a unconscious target with you using dimension door?
— Max Holmback Peterse (@Max_H_Petersen) March 4, 2016
Only a willing creature can travel with you via dimension door. You can't give consent when you're unconscious. #DnD https://t.co/5ReLIKqGIX
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) March 8, 2016
@JeremyECrawford Seems odd, what's the difference between an unconscious creature and an object? Just need to be small enough to be carried?
— Exen Trik (@exentrik137) March 8, 2016
Think of it this way: a spell that requires a willing target is partially fueled by that person's will. #DnD https://t.co/Jj3XzDSZf7
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) March 9, 2016
So… Dim Door is like sex…
Every living creature has an innate desire to live. Even unconscious their will to survive is present, and would be subconsciously supported.
I submit that yes it could be used, even if fueled by their will. Their will to survive prevails.
If unconscious, there is no active will to live — the character is *unconscious*. They (per the metaphysics of 5E) have to be able to give their *conscious* volition to the allow the spell to work on them/fuel its including them. If they are unconscious, they can’t do that.
nah i just treat them like an object
otherwise you could never teleport a ok’d character
you become an object