How much is it shaping the story, and how much playing it out?

I’m currently in a D&D game with 8 people. Do you think that’s too many?

An alternative set of encounter-building guidelines for D&D


Master Mike 
today introduces an alternative set of encounter-building guidelines for D&D.

Building an encounter using these new guidelines breaks down into 5 steps:

  1. Assess the Characters

  2. Encounter Size

  3. Determine Numbers and Challenge Ratings

  4. Select Monsters

  5. Add Complications

Download the pdf document:

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I usually spent two hours of the day collecting our D&D Designers tweets, schedule posts on Facebook and help players when they ask me about D&D rules (if I can).
Well, I hope to help you to dream around the table and wishing to play forever the best game ever made.

If you like Sage Advice, offer me a Dwarf Beer and I’ll cheers to your next d20 roll! Just Click Here


30 years ago Dragon magazine launch Sage Advice Column by Jean Wells, “She tried to bring some humor to the column, believing that some of her young readers were taking D&D too seriously.

Well Zoltar Sage Advice will follow this direction, not only a place to find Q&A about rules but a library that collect advices for Dungeons&Dragons, how to play or Dungeon Mastering tips, rules options, jokes, visions for storytelling, writing inspiration and some news about the best Game ever made.

If you like my work, offer me a Dwarf Beer

My group is gearing up to face Strahd this evening. Anything I should keep in mind?

CoS Spoiler – Is the vestige that broke free in the Amber Temple a nod to something at all?

On an Attack of Opportunity can a rogue sneak attack?