Storm King’s Thunder AL Adventure – Treasure of the Broken Hoard

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Giant Hunters!
The first Adventure League adventure for the Storm King’s Thunder storyline is now available on the DM’s Guild!

Download here:

“A famous relic hunter seeks adventurers to help her find caches of treasure hidden by the now-
defeated followers of the Cult of the Dragon.

Her maps and notes may lead the way to great wealth—or a terrible death.

And do other parties have designs on the treasure as well?”

Five 1-Hour Mini-Adventures for 1st & 2nd Level Characters

The Tomb of Horrors Camper in Steven Spielberg next movie!

Horrified adventurers!

As said here, Steven Spielberg is filming his next movie with a part dedicated to the legendary D&D module adventure Tomb of Horrors by Gary Gygax. A picture taken from the set reveals… The Devourer!

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If i have a magical dead zone do the players get a save to still cast spells?