What happens when a creature is immune to being restrained during a failed petrification save?

The long road to leading design

While ago you guys said this, and I was happy to hear it…

What are your top three cult classic movies of all time?

D&D Treasure Cards by Paul Weber!

Paul Weber designed this free great set for Dungeons&Dragons: Treasure Cards!

From gems, to coins, to the Kings crown there are over 160 new Treasure Cards along with some homebrew treasure items. The zip file contains a glossary and organized folders to help separate gems, art objects, and coins. The cards come in sheets and as single PNG files so you can continue to use them as you wish.

Download Treasure Cards: http://bit.ly/TreasureCardsDnD

Download Equipment Cards : http://bit.ly/DnDEquipCards

Download Condition Cards: https://www.sageadvice.eu/2016/08/23/22-new-dd-cards-conditions/

ERRATA: If you are looking for daily Revised Cards updates check Paul Weber FB Page or Download Here
