Can you concentrate on a spell while casting another spell as a ritual?

Sage Advice March 2016


Our Baron Jeremy von Crawford answers to march questions with explosive revelation about druids and metal armors.
other quetions:

  • Bonus action spellcasting
  • Dispel Magic against Vampire Charm
  • Dispel Magic and Antimagicfield against Animate Dead
  • Can Dispel Magic stop another spell effect?
  • Can you use a shield with Mage Armor?

All answers here:

or download the updated Sage advice official document here

and remember
“Sage Advice doesn’t trump the rulings of a Dungeon Master; the answers and information provided here are meant to assist a DM in adjudicating the game.” JC

Do Battleragers add strength modifier to their spike armor damage?

How do Wild Shape attacks interact with unarmed strikes?

When creating a campaign do you prefer to start small or vice versa?

Gamify charisma

Do Rogue get 2 Bonus actions to Dash?

With war caster when does the spell take place?