Can Death Cleric/Sorcerer Twin Chill Touch to target 4 creatures?

Manuevering Attack works on self?

Help! I need a name for my wizard!

Chris Perkins on Reddit


Hi. I’m Chris Perkins, principal story designer for Dungeons & Dragons.
I’m happy to take questions about D&D stories (including our latest story, Curse of Strahd) and life in the gaming industry. I find D&D rules questions boring, so I’ll probably ignore those. (“Your game, your rules!” is my motto.)
Also, I can’t provide any information that my company, Wizards of the Coast, deems confidential.

P.S. My thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Any advice for 1st time DM introducing 1st time middle aged players?

Would a vampire be able to escape a magic circle by shapechanging into mist?