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Psionics of Unearthed Arcana



Your mental powers are growing, Master Mike released the second part of the Psionics and Mystic

There are a different of changes you can expect:

  • The class is now 10th level
  • Mystic orders – Order of the Awakened and Order of the Immortal
  • Flexibility and focus on one disciplines – Adaptive Body, Body of Wind, Celerity, Conquering Mind, Intellect Fortress, Iron Durability, Mind Over Emotion, Mind Vault, Psionic RestorationPsionic Weapon, Third Eye.
  • Talents  – Beacon, Blade Meld, Light Step, Mind Meld, Mind Thrust, Thought Spear, Night Eyes

You can download the mental document here:

Scaling up monster stats for higher level characters in a published adventure

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