Would magic flames ignite spike growth?

French Drow

If caster is unconscious what happens to the familiar?

Chris Perkins “The Dungeon Master Experience”

The Dungeon Master Experience was a series of articles by Chris Perkins about Dungeon Mastering, inspiration, ideas and awesome new ways to menace your players.
Unfortunately “The Dungeon Master Experience” archive is gone.

Here the last trick to recover almost “The Dungeon Master Experience” articles:

  1. Download this 107 pages pdf book with all 2011 articles
  2. Go to this linkhttp://dnd.wizards.com/articles/features/
    There are 2 search boxes (on topright and middleright) go to search box in the middle with [SEARCH IN ARTICLES] and type iomandra
  3. There’s a gap between articles (thanks to GrammaChachi for the list), now is impossible to retrive via web cache lost articles. Hope you can find someone that have them
  • The Circus Is In Town – 16-Feb-2012
  • Map Fu – 09-Feb-2012
  • Shiny New Thing – 02-Feb-2012
  • Unfinished Business – 26-Jan-2012
  • Slave To the Rules – 19-Jan-2012
  • Real Complicated – 12-Jan-2012

My advice is to take your time and download every articles to your local HD.