Missing cities in Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide

Psionic Iron Hide

Druid’s Elemental Wild Shape: Elemental or creature with the same type?

Playing Dungeons and Dragons in AltspaceVR


This is a gorgeous alternative to play togheter online with your friends, ready for D&D Virtual Reality?
Playing Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) in AltspaceVR is just like playing D&D in person. All you need is a party, a dungeon master, and AltspaceVR. If you’re new to AltspaceVR, you can sign up for a free account here: https://account.altvr.com/users/sign_up

DMing in front of a live audience

Sage Advice Rules Answers: November 2015



This month our lovely Master Jeremy touch on these rules answer :

  • Racial traits about lightfoot halfling and Wood elves
  • Class Feature: Extra attack and Warlock Expanded Spell List
  • Backgrounds: Can you have more than one background?
  • Equipment: Can I attack with a shiled and keep +2 AC?
  • Multiclassing: Rogue/Monk Sneak attak unamed strike.
  • Feats: Savage Attacker
  • Combat: does suprise happen outside Initiative? Cunning Action and Step of the Wind. Can a melee Spell knock an opponent?
  •  Spellcasting: Planar Binding and Hail of Thorns

All these answers are here:


But don’t forget to download this new precious Sage Advice Compendium:

Have Fun