Monk bonus attacks, before/after/during Attack Action?

Dark Sun Mad Max Fury Road mashup

Reddit AMA R.A. Salvatore: Drizzt, Archmage and D&D

I’m here to talk about my upcoming book, “Archmage,” Book 1 of Homecoming, but since it’s not out yet and I have to be evasive or give out massive spoilers (and WotC’s Black Helicopters are circling my house as I type), we can talk about whatever you want. Of course! It’s your time.
I’ll be spending all day tomorrow signing the hundreds of books from the e-signing, and finishing up the many sign and/or personalized books from (come on, you have to like that name!).
So go ahead, Ask Me Anything…maybe I’ll even answer.

Jeremy Crawford at PAX and ton of cool stuff

Creature between you and the target