if i were to cast conjure fey, could i conjure a PC race centaur with class levels equal to the challenge rating of a fey?
instead of CR 6 fey, i instead conjure a PC centaur with 6 levels in a class?
or even calculate the actual CR of the centaur? Player characters don't have a CR. Your DM could customize summon-able creatures, of course.That said, I loved the old adventure where genies summon the PCs to do menial tasks, so…
— Dan Dillon (@Dan_Dillon_1) June 2, 2020
ah i see. i wasnt sure, cause polymorph is worded like a character can transform into a creature of a CR equal to class levels, so i wasnt sure if thatd work for summoning too Yeah, polymorph makes a specific provision for PCs. Conjure fey, not so much. 🙂
— Dan Dillon (@Dan_Dillon_1) June 2, 2020