Could the Silver Flame resurrect a PC who wasn’t part of The Church of the Silver Flame indoctrinating them in to help carry out a higher purpose? I understand that resurrection isn’t their deal on current members. Resurrection isn't common because a) there's few priests who can cast it and b) once the soul fades in Dolurrh it's usually impossible. Beyond that, it's generally about certainty that the person has an unfulfilled purpose; if so, the faith of the deceased may not be an issue.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) January 21, 2020
I think my question came out wrong. I’m playing a Warforged Thrane field Medic who was in Cyre when the mourning occurred. He was deactivated shortly after the event, due to damage, and awoke 4 years later when the Silver flame gave him a higher purpose. Oh, sure! Though it would be extremely rare and remarkable—and more likely a Voice of the Flame or a couatl that’s responsible for it, rather than the Flame as an abstract entity.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) January 24, 2020