You wrote about the wizard Tasso in the book Pages with Mages. There does not seem to be any more information about this wizard outside of that short description of his spellbook and his spell. Could you tell me more about him? Sure! Always happy to talk Realmslore. Here we go…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 15, 2018
1 of 12) Arnharr Toraskazso, who prefers to be known by his nickname, “Tasso,” is a handsome CE human male of slender build, agility, a glib tongue and ready smile. He was a rake (that is, he enjoyed the casual company of many women, preferring bedmates to steady partners), and…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 15, 2018
2) …a thief, who took obvious pleasure in fighting, stealing, and “racing and chasing about.” Born in Mordulkin (in Chessenta) circa 1327 DR, Tasso developed his talent for the Art early, covertly becoming an accomplished illusionist as the child of a cook in the household of…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 15, 2018
3)…Naerith Kelantahar. Tasso became Kelantahar’s personal assistant and later apprentice—until the stormy, rain-drenched Mirtul of 1348 DR, when he murdered Kelantahar for his spellbooks and items and fled, finding his way to Westgate where he fell in with some lawless…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 15, 2018
4)…adventurers (the survivors of various ill-fated adventuring bands) who undertook many daring thefts and swindles in the Vilhon and then in Chessenta and Mulhorand, retreating into the Starmantle countryside (and some caverns they used as lairs) when furious victims sent…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 15, 2018
5)…bounty-hunters and hired slayers in profusion after them. During these wild days, the band took several casualties, until Tasso (formerly a junior member) ended up as its leader. He dubbed “his” band the All-Seeing Eye, and set about an even more energetic series of…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 15, 2018
6)…villainies, recasting the Eye as a “dirty work” band of killers and thieves for hire by unscrupulous wealthy patrons (whom he often doublecrossed). The Eye was successful and become notorious and widely hunted, and Tasso took care to always benefit himself, not just…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 15, 2018
7)…with coin, but seizing ever more magic whenever he could. He also become increasingly paranoid, hiring “body doubles” and planning elaborate escapes and backup plans and false identities, with “boltholes” (bought and rented houses) all over the Vilhon and Chessenta and in…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 15, 2018
8)…Westgate, with an eye to running and hiding if things ever “went dark” for the Eye. Which they eventually did, and Tasso successfully faked his own death at least twice, dropping out of sight and relocating to Waterdeep, Silverymoon, and Secomber after spreading rumours that
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 15, 2018
9)…he’d escaped to another plane of existence. He changed his appearance, almost entirely stopped using magic, and under a new name recast himself as a merchant dealing in scents, wines, luxury goods, potions, and magical ingredients and accessories (spell inks, tomes suitable…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 15, 2018
10)…as spellbooks, and so on). Tasso remained as much of a womanizer, thief, and swindler as always, and secretly devoted himself to acquiring magical means of prolonging his life. Which either failed when the Spellplague hit in 1385 DR, or he did escape onto another plane, or…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 15, 2018
11)…he sought undeath or stasis and succeeded in surviving the Spellplague. Elminster believes Tasso is still around, but keeping a very low profile and “horribly changed” from his young and vigorous days; he may now even be what most folks would deem a “monster.” And likely…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 15, 2018
12 of 12)…still preys on the unwary, and is still after ever more magic. So watch out behind you, late at night. ;}
Hope this is of help!— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 15, 2018
**Bows** Much thanks Wise One. You never fail at impressing me. Happy to be of help! The richer the Realms, the more fun we all have. ;}
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 15, 2018