@matthewmercer do the BH features that require you to “lose hit points” (Crimson Rite/Amplified Blood Maledict) reduce your max HP like before, or were they worded intentionally vague so DMs could home rule it however they wanted?
— Bardly Actions (@EvanHelenihi) January 29, 2020
These features no longer affect max HP, for ease of tracking. You now merely lose hit points equal to a hemocraft die roll (similar to taking damage). The wording is to not set a “damage type”, which would open up Dmg resistance exploits.
— Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) January 29, 2020
Does the wording prevent the use of Temp hit points? It doesn’t prevent it, but if you have temporary hit points, this feature would bypass the temp HP and still reduce your actually HP, leaving the temp HP untouched.
— Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) January 29, 2020
Bear totem specifically states “resistance to all damage except psychic” so by RAW that means they would still reduce it even if it doesn’t have a type. I’m assuming that’s not the intent behind the design however. Just wanted to let you know. Does this no longer apply then? You just take damage equal to your rite die? Aye, you no longer lose max hp! Just damage equal to your hemocraft/rite die. 🙂
— Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) January 29, 2020
Which is why it was worded to not be damage in this update, and instead is a “loss of hit points”. 😉
— Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) January 29, 2020