I know that time-keeping isn’t a big deal in the Realms (3 bells, etc), but do thermometers exist? "Weather glasses" exist in the Realms: what our real world calls "Galileo thermometers" (sealed glass vessels with mixtures of liquid in them and floating glass sphere "bubbles" to denote various temperatures.#Realmslore
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 31, 2019
A followup to this question on thermometers: How is temperature actually measured? Is there any kind of scale like Farenheit/Celsius? There's no numerical scale. Rather, a sensory range, from boiling/scorching to touch through hot, warm, comfortable (as in, the preferred interior temp of a room or dwelling) blood-neutral, pleasant, cool, cold, icy, to numbing.#Realmslore
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 1, 2019