do you have any advice on writing a 1hr adventure and/or an adventure for one player? I’m planning in running a short epilogue game to wrap up a recent campaign.
Decide what the PC(s) is trying to achieve or the choices you are putting before them. Decide what barriers and threats they must overcome to meet their goals and carry out their choices. Are the threats physical (combat), social (roleplaying), or environmental (interaction)?
— Shawn Merwin, planning for @GameholeCon (@shawnmerwin) October 17, 2019
If it’s a one-shot, I’d say stick to a standard dungeon crawl. The dungeon doesn’t have to be a “dungeon.” Combat will probably take up most of the hour, so have maybe one or two baddies. Maybe the rest of the party is sick with an illness that swept through the region. Maybe someone’s dropping feces in the water supply and your player’s in charge of finding where this disease is coming from. One simple task, make the mission very clear. Flavor text on the dungeon, a cave that feeds into the water supply.
The more stuff you make clear, the less time you have to explain.